Due to its origin as a public music class, the Hump Night Thumpers is a large and ever-changing group. These are some of the folks you're likely to meet at a gig.
Arlo Leach
a.k.a. Holstein Slim
guitar, jug
Susan Babyk
a.k.a. Sue Kazoo
guitar, kazoo |
Ellen Shriver
a.k.a. Josie Bones
kazoo, banjolele
Neil Donovan
a.k.a. Breeze Knees
guitar, mandolin |
Sallie Gaines
a.k.a. Princess Jugs
jug, kazoo |
Herb Veith
a.k.a. Professor Knockers
spoons |
Fran Landt
a.k.a. Coffee Cup
kazoo, washboard |
Skip Landt
a.k.a. Luke Love Dog
harmonica, mandolin |
Jacob Fishman
a.k.a. Gizmo
washboard |
Petrie Fishman
a.k.a. Coconuts
washtub bass |
David Moshe
a.k.a. King David
harmonica |
Jaime Belmares
a.k.a. Doctor Jota
guitar, dobro |
Peter Seifert
a.k.a. The Milkman
jug, kazoo, whistle |
(not pictured)
Laura Murphy
a.k.a. Red Hot Mama
mandolin, jug |
Past Members
Andy Carlson
a.k.a. The Spitz-Carlton
jug, guitar, washboard |
Bill Coon
a.k.a. Sweet Willie
fiddle, harmonica |
Heather Steingruebl
a.k.a. Eau de Rodent
jug, harmonica
Jim Shinkle
a.k.a. Possum
mandolin, nose flute |
Mark Wagner
a.k.a. Uncle Harry Assface
jug, washtub bass
Jerri Wagner
a.k.a. Rag Mama
jug, washboard |
Marc Greenstein
a.k.a. Lends Himself
guitar, harmonica |
Heidi Nordbrock
ukulele, washboard |
(not pictured)
Bill Nordbrock
jug, kazoo |
(not pictured)
Carol Nordbrock
bass, kazoo |
Rob Reid
a.k.a. Millenium Man
kitchenware, guitar
Neal Gadlin
a.k.a. The Other Neal
banjo, kazoo |
Jenny Runde
spoons, Fanta bottle
Melinda Ginsberg
washtub bass, spoons |
(not pictured)
Keri Rainsberger
washtub bass, spoons
(not pictured)
Tanya Lee
mandolin |
Steve Keefe
a.k.a. C. W. Possum
ukulele, washboard, spoons
Scott Neale
a.k.a. Pork Chop
washtub bass, nose flute |
Polly Parnell
a.k.a. Jailbyrd
guitar, kazoo |
Mark Richardson a.k.a. Mr. Positive
Honorary Members
Sally Giles
logo designer
Beth Wodnick
photographer |
The Hump
Night Thumpers took their name from their weekly practice time:
Wednesday night, or "hump night."
When I die don't bury
this daddy at all
Just pickle daddy's bones, baby in alcohol
-- Mobile Line